Hey buddies :D
Ya ya, i'd like to tell you how much i wanted to spank my sorry ass for posting a very negetive and completely out of order first post. I deleted that blog and yeah the post too cos it sucked massively just like my animation classes. The username misery in the head was a lame excuse for being in a crapy mood and i felt stupid. Because, the next time i viewed that post and the whole blog for that matter, i was seriously wondering if i had done it or my unknown, infamous alter ego had [If she exists, that is]. And after serious scratching of my brain and getting a permanent brain damage on whether i had an Anniyan inside me or not, i decided to delete that dark and creepy blog and start a new one.
So now that i am through with my lame explanation, i shall continue with my welcoming. Visit my blog, Visit my blog, visit my blog :D and no, you wont have the crap that i promised last time, thrown at you :P [And this time, i think i am sounding childish and deperate hmmm... will this blog have to go too?? i wonder... that shows how temperamental i am lol]
Ok intro over, welcoming done. Now i'll continue with my explanation for my loony self. COFFEE simply rocks [cries, clutching my mug affectionately...my source of loonyness, i luv u]... ya i turn loony when i drink coffee...plus exams got over yesterday and semester starts on 9, n amind all this i have infinite submissions coming up. Apart from that, there is this long lasting dream of scoring the highest mark in multimedia which came true yesterday :D... mum will kill me otherwise.
And then there is this stupid animation class of mine, which sucks hard core and deserves an award for 'Mokkai' :P...
The last reason for me being loony is, DAD is coming back pweeeeeeeeeee :D... he got transfered to Chennai again after six long years[I hate that CGM of his, who was a pain in the wrong place].
So i deserve to be loony, so quit complaining :D... n ya my stupid keyboard doesn't work properly unless i jam the keys hard with a hammer.
That said, i am off now :D
Ja Ne